Saturday, December 24, 2011

Do you hear what I hear?

The answer, probably, because I can hear the computer's fan whirring away.

But besides that, tomorrow is Christmas Day when I will finally be able to see what's inside the boxes that are for me and have been poorly wrapped to save on wrapping paper.
It's my Criss in a box!

I like to think that this box will contain Darren Criss and he'll sing me some Crissmas songs, and I will be happy. (see what I did there?)

I've also discovered that the WWOHP aka the Wizarding World of Harry Potter will be getting a large expansion over the next few years to help keep guests coming to Universal Orlando. I think it will be finished before, the joint venture between, James Cameron and Disney's Pandora is opened. Sadly because of this I won't get to experience the Jaws attraction.

USO will also loose a major area for horror night mazes in this expansion, which prompts me to wonder if it will go to being hosted at both parks...

Sunday, December 18, 2011


So a few hours ago marked the 230th day until I start my program at Walt Disney World.  It's a milestone. Albeit an obscure milestone, but one none the less.  This meant that I had to update my photo gallery on Facebook. There is also much excitement in the air for January 17 which will then mark 200 days.

Monday, November 28, 2011

GetUp Australia

It's time to get up Australia. This video promoting marriage equality has already been seen by over 1.4 Million people world wide. It's great to see people actively trying to make a change in our supposed great country. It doesn't help that Penny Wong, Australia's Labour Party's openly gay minister for Finance, said last year that she was supporting the Government's decision to not allow same-sex couples the right to marry; then stating earlier this month that she was in full support of it... Please share this with friends and loved ones. donate to put on Australian tv: sign petition:

Friday, October 28, 2011

so far away

UPDATE:: I ended up switching to the Macboook Pro and am now typing on it It seems like August 4 is never going to come. Yesterday I found out that the mac I put on layby at the JB next to work doesn't have a cd drive in it, so I have to get an Apple Superdrive for another $89 when I could have spent $20 less and got a 13" Pro... grrr. stupid Jonathan at JB Hi-Fi. I also conviently forgot to tell dad that I was doing this. Mum told him one night whilst they were out at Bunnings or someplace, he asked me lots of questiosn about it when he got home, I might just redirect them to the official site... Whilst we wait to hear more from Disney here's a video of John Tartaglia.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

here's the email for ya'll

so I've edited it so you don't have to read as much but YAY! Cameron-- Congratulations! We are pleased that to offer you a position on the WALT DISNEY WORLD International College Program as a/an Character Performer Cast Member. Below is a description of the responsibilities involved with a/an Character Performer role: Pending the results of your audition, you will be offered a Character Performer role. In this role, Cast Members bring our famous Characters to life! Cast Members have the opportunity to interact with Guests of all ages from around the world and create everlasting memories. This position is physically demanding, as Cast Members work in hot, confining costumes. Cast Members work in a fast-paced environment with heavy Guest interaction. This is a global role, and Cast Members will work in multiple locations across the WALT DISNEY WORLD® Resort, including all four theme parks and many of our resorts. Responsibilities may include: signing autographs, posing for photographs, interacting with Guests during restaurant dining experiences. The position requires your commitment beginning 8/4/2012 (mm/dd/yy) through 8/2/2013 (mm/dd/yy). Your arrival date in the United States for check in would be 8/4/2012 (mm/dd/yy).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

interview time

Sorry I didn't do this last week, but I had my interview with Javier from WDW International Recruiting on Wednesday last week (12/10/11). It went really well. He asked me about scouting, my job at Subway, and just about me in general. Mum said that I said "um" after every time he asked me a question, but who cares anyhow. We then got onto the topic of Role within the World. We spoke about Character Performer, Operations and Merchandising, and what each role entails. Nine short days later I revieved another email from WDWIR offering me a position of Character Performer Cast Member, for the whole year of 4/8/2012 - 2/8/2013. Most people who get only one role are only there for six months, they must love me for my height. Which as I found out 183cm is no where near 6'2". So yeah in about eight months time, I'll be jetting off to America to start this wonderful journey.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

jus waiting

jus casually waiting for my interview to start. it's 8:07 and I'm getting nervous...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Interview stage!

This morning I got an email com the lovely Cameron at WDW international recruiting. He was advising me of when Disney hold their interviews. So I'm thinking of choosing either pikachu or my mew. Haha. Either a morning before work at 5am, or on Wednesday at like 7am, not as much of an un nice hour, but I could potentially smash it out before going to work at Caulfield too...

Imma see what Facebook says, also if you follow me (i.e. Fiona) lemme know what you think.

Saaaaaa excited!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

my passport arrived yesterday...

and to avoid awkward conversations with my father, I waited until he had gone to the shower to go and scan in into the computer to attach to the rest of my paperwork and then send it off, I think it got there at about 8am Floridian time, which hopefully means that I will receive an email back later this week. 

Most likely the email will be asking me why I say I'm from Griffith, yet have my PSSF signed by RMIT. It's mainly because Griffith were douches and failed to return my emails, so I asked OUA yet again and they told me to get RMIT to sign it. LOTS of going round in circles. Hopefully Disney will just accept that I am doing subjects from different universities and let me through to the interview stage, where I hope to get a phone interview, I really ceebs working out how to use skype and all.

In other news I started my new job at Caulfied last Saturday. It was a good shift, besides the fact that I rocked up an hour early and wasn't really required to be there for a while. I was supposed to be cleaning the glasses, but I was promoted to actually working the bar after the other person that was supposed be on was a no show. which meant that we only had three people including myself working. It was so hectic, but I guess that's what it's going to be like. my next shift is setting up for the BMW Caulfied Cup, then I am working the cup as a bar attendant, lots of money here I come. 

I am also looking into working the Comedy Festival as a door bitch or something like that. It should be lots of fun, and not much lifting, but by then my back should be better. I'm seeing my osteopath again on Thursday where we will hopefully crack the upper back and the lower will need to be done again.

Until my next exciting WDWIP update..

Saturday, September 17, 2011

waiting game

YAY I gots the form signed. If you're reading this and thinking of applying for the WDW International Program, I'd probably stop reading here, because all the earlier posts are just nonsense. Although you can read the post below to see how long it too me to get the Proof of Student Status Form signed...

Now all I'm waiting on is my passport to come in the mail, then I can officially send off all my paperwork and take the next step. I'm still not even sure if I'm going to get into the Program or not, but either way, I've been looking for second/third sources of income to help settle in/holiday beforehand, and the cost of flights and a laptop or rather a macbook air. (I can't decide if I want the 11 inch or the 13inch...) but I'm fairly certain that I will need more money. esp with 21st's and weddings coming up...

oi vey.

Friday, September 16, 2011

are you for real?

this is the list of people I have contacted to get this stupid student status form signed and their responses.

  1. OUA - here have one of our request for enrolment form. (Aug 12)
  2. WDW AUNZ Recruiting - as you are a Griffith student, have the dates for the Queensland info sessions. (Sep 8, 3:32 AM)
  3. Griffith's WDWIP coordinator - I can't do that, contact student services. (Sep 8, 9:19 AM)
  4. Student services - Yeah, you need to contact Student Admin. (Sep 8, 9:34 AM)
  5. Student Admin - no reply (Sep 8, 9:47 AM) did I mention that I was going to the interview today?
  7. My trainer at work  - sure thing, send me the form, I'll see what I can do. (Sep 11, 8:34 AM)
  8. OUA - It's best that you contact RMIT, seeing how you're doing a subject with them (Sep 16, 1:04 PM)
  9. RMIT - Yes, here you go Cameron, I've scanned and attached the form *happy panda dance* (Sep 16, 2:40 PM)
  10. ME to RMIT - there's no form attached. *sad panda dance* (Sep 16, 3:10 PM / 3:17 PM, depending on if you take the time from when I replied in an email or straight to the discussion...)
  11. ME about RMIT - what's this .tif file? *opens file* oh look it's the form, it's really shit quality though....

Friday, September 9, 2011

shattered my life

So I went to the recruitment session on Thursday at RMIT, sat through it all, and then when it came time for interviews I couldn't continue because I didn't have the Proof of Student Status form with me from my uni (Griffith). Hopefully someone at Griffith's student admin can fill the other half of the form in for me, or I could possibly get my trainer for the Dip of Management to fill it out... gosh this is so hard to do...

But on a positive note I've learnt that I can take part in next year's 60th Gang Show, because that's at the end of June and the WDWIP starts in August.Looking at flights now it's about $2000 for a one way fare to Orlando from Melbourne, with two stopovers, one in Sydney and the other in L.A. although I might stop at L.A and then go to Disneyland, Universal Hollywood, and all the touristy things there before going to Orlando and checking in.

Whilst we wait for the POSSF here's a video of a cat and a printer...

Sunday, September 4, 2011


it's official, I've finally got onto Pottermore. I'm waiting for my cure to boils to finish brewing. So so far I have got my Wand, Elm with Dragon Core, 12.5 inches, Brittle, my Tabby Cat, that I'm calling Oscar, all my books and such, and am in Hufflepuff. It's okay, but there was a bit of text missing (I presume) in the Hufflepuff welcome section...

you should also add me QueenSeer134


as I've said before, there are so many hoops I have to jump though to get into the program...

firstly as recruiters are currently in the country, I'm really wanting to go to one of the presentations, but I need to be one of the universities students. Oi vey.

on a side note, the renovators is so annoying, or rather two of the contestants, peter and the blonde girl in the green team. preparations for my 21st are speeding along rather fast, and good news world the next series of good news week starts tomorrow night. so I'm pretty stoked.

Mostly I'm waiting on a phone call from VicUni to see if I can go to their presentation or not...

Friday, August 26, 2011

almost 21

so it's two weeks till my 21st. I'm fairly certain that either that week or the one after I will go out, get royally messed up and possibly have a few hook ups along the way. but le actual party is going to be great. it's got a theme. guess it. give up? it's disney.

I plan on going as Dr. Facillier from Princess and the Frog. I think I will set up a photo op of some description near the door so i can get everyone's costumes and then post them to show to the world how awesome my friends are!

That's pretty much all today. oh I'm still waiting on getting my acceptance letter into Pottermore. but it should come soon. I'd be shattered if it came at the end of September...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today has just been...

An exciting day!
Firstly I got an email from Pottermore telling me that I will be getting early access sometime between the middle of August and the end of September!
Then my 2011 Gang Show DVD came in the mail!

And finally I received an email back from WDW International Recruiting about applying even though I'm studying online/via correspondence


In reviewing your University we are still unclear on whether or not it qualifies for the program. I have attached our Proof of Student Status form that all candidates must complete and be reviewed by Disney prior to arrival. Can you get with your school and ask them whether or not this can be completed?

Below are the talking points regarding the form…

o Submit Proof of Student Status Form (Attached). Please note, if the school elects not to sign the bottom of the PSSF document, they must submit a letter that states that you are a current student/recent graduate and that they are an accredited university. Program dates are as follows:

  • Jan 2012 Arrivals:

· 6 month: Jan 7, 2012 – June 1, 2012

· 12 months: Jan 7, 2012 – Jan 4, 2013

  • July 2012: Please leave dates blank – Arrival/Departure Dates TBD

Will wait to hear back from you!

International Recruitment

So now I have to email Open Uni's Aust to see if they will sign the form!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Damn it

I just got this email from the company that was supposed to help me get to Disney world.

Dear Candidate,

We would like to inform you that, STB (Student Travel Bureau)- Australia is no longer involved with the Disney International Program.

Your point of contact from now on will be the Disney International Recruitment Office (

We from STB wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

it's official

Today I have officially decided to apply for July 2012 intake to work at Walt Disney World, Orlando. It's something that I've wanted to do for ages, but now I feel like the time is right. Imma use this blog to document my progress and then when I actually go over, everyone at home can read...