Friday, August 26, 2011

almost 21

so it's two weeks till my 21st. I'm fairly certain that either that week or the one after I will go out, get royally messed up and possibly have a few hook ups along the way. but le actual party is going to be great. it's got a theme. guess it. give up? it's disney.

I plan on going as Dr. Facillier from Princess and the Frog. I think I will set up a photo op of some description near the door so i can get everyone's costumes and then post them to show to the world how awesome my friends are!

That's pretty much all today. oh I'm still waiting on getting my acceptance letter into Pottermore. but it should come soon. I'd be shattered if it came at the end of September...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Today has just been...

An exciting day!
Firstly I got an email from Pottermore telling me that I will be getting early access sometime between the middle of August and the end of September!
Then my 2011 Gang Show DVD came in the mail!

And finally I received an email back from WDW International Recruiting about applying even though I'm studying online/via correspondence


In reviewing your University we are still unclear on whether or not it qualifies for the program. I have attached our Proof of Student Status form that all candidates must complete and be reviewed by Disney prior to arrival. Can you get with your school and ask them whether or not this can be completed?

Below are the talking points regarding the form…

o Submit Proof of Student Status Form (Attached). Please note, if the school elects not to sign the bottom of the PSSF document, they must submit a letter that states that you are a current student/recent graduate and that they are an accredited university. Program dates are as follows:

  • Jan 2012 Arrivals:

· 6 month: Jan 7, 2012 – June 1, 2012

· 12 months: Jan 7, 2012 – Jan 4, 2013

  • July 2012: Please leave dates blank – Arrival/Departure Dates TBD

Will wait to hear back from you!

International Recruitment

So now I have to email Open Uni's Aust to see if they will sign the form!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Damn it

I just got this email from the company that was supposed to help me get to Disney world.

Dear Candidate,

We would like to inform you that, STB (Student Travel Bureau)- Australia is no longer involved with the Disney International Program.

Your point of contact from now on will be the Disney International Recruitment Office (

We from STB wish you all the best in your future endeavours!