Saturday, January 28, 2012

someday my prince will come

So as the song goes,
Some day my prince will come   Some day we'll meet again   And away to his castle we'll go   To be happy forever I know
Recently I've had some fairly amazing guys come into my life.  It's really bugging me why would the universe do this when I'm going overseas.  The most recent one I haven't learnt that much about other than that he's a vet, who's recently graduated and is moving to Queensland, he also likes yoga, in several different forms.  We met a a bar, I was a wee bit intoxicated, so I can't really remember what he was telling Banj, the friend that I was with at the time, he was totally hitting off with this other guy.

I guess if one of these amazing guys and I were to continue seeing each other and a relationship developed, I wouldn't complain.  It's just that, when I leave the country I don't want to be in one, because there'll be heartbreak and sorrow.

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